Saturday, May 5, 2007

nothing new

Just wanted to post an update .. nothing has happened here with the arcade for a couple of weeks.

Hopefully I have gotten all of the shipping problems worked out now, but no results yet. The spinner and minipac have been reshipped, but not yet received.
We have a new receptionist on the first floor, so I had a talk with her, as well as give her my business card, so hopefully things won't land in the deadzone of their mailroom down there anymore.

Ditto for the guy on the 2nd floor who took in the first shipment of controls ages ago. He knows how to get hold of me too.

I was hoping that stuff would get here yesterday, but now I'll have to wait til ate least Monday.

That's it for now. Looks like it's a good weekend, and hopefully I'll be off sailing today or tomorrow if I can find a first mate.

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